We will be staying home tonight doing our usual Watching tv and probably in bed before 12. I bet if a poll was taken more people do this then actually go out to celebrate or party. especially among the older group.
I have a few more things to show you from the last couple of flea markets. Something I do want to clarify is how I buy at the flea market. If I see an item and the price seems fair I will buy it wihout even trying to quote "bargain". If I see it is a little high I will ask in a very nice way "can you go a little lower". In 9 out of 10 cases they will.
If they say no I have to get that amount and I want it I will pay the price or walk away if too high. I feel that the majority of the people there selling are not doing it because they love it but trying to make a living. I have got to know a lot of the gals and guys at my weekend one near my house and they are like long lost friends when I come back. They even save things for me or will say I have some things you would like and bring them the next week or two. When I cleaned out cupboards last Spring before we left I brought items to the market and gave them to one of the really nice gals who I knew was having a hard time and told her to sell them and keep the money for herself. I talked to her yesterday and she said she sells clothes at some of her markets and I didn't know that. I just gave a couple of bags to one of the ones that call you. I will save them for her from now on.
I wanted to say with the red and white quilt when I asked her how much and she said 25.00 or best offer I came up with 15.00 thinking she would come back at 20.00 or more but she seemed very unconcerned and accepted the 15.00 very happily. This will probably never happen again.
I have been with people who pick up an article and then try to find every little fault and belittle the item thinking that will help bring the price down. That doesn't work, in fact it backfires because it usually gets the dealer really upset and they don't want to sell to you at any price. The above are just a few little ideas that help me and make the dealer happy to see you again. In fact I have been known to buy things I don't even want if I feel sorry for a dealer or I am the one that sees one person sitting at a craft fair not selling anything and I always go over and talk to them and tell them how nice their work is. Unless the things are really expensive I will buy something just to try and make them feel better. Next thing they are in the Goodwill bag but someone down the line will enjoy it.
I have a couple more things from the last few weeks to show you. First is a very pretty old silver dish the dealer asked 5.00 and I paid it willingly.
Next is a small old jug that is engraved and is an almost pale lilac color glass. This was 5.00 and I thought it worth it also.
Next is a pretty pair of white kid gloves in great condition and they were only 3.00.
The next pair I bought a while ago and I really liked the detail down the sides of them. They asked and I paid 5.00. I usually just display them lying over something.
I can hear either fireworks or gun shooting going on and it is only 8.20. I think I will hide under the bed not on top tonight. They are crazy down here with the gun shooting on holidays.
Happy New Year to all my dear friends and followers. May the next year treat all of us very kindly and no more illnesses for you, us, your parents and children whatever the case may be.