I received my gift package around early Dec. and put it away or should say gave it to Harv to hide from me. I finally talked him into letting me open this one Christmas Eve when we were putting our gifts around our little tree for the morning.
I found many nice things inside including a beautiful silver grey silky shawl/scarf.
It is my color exactly and I can't wait to wear it. right now it isdraped over a corner of my wicker armoire in our bathroom so I can see it when I go by.
The rest of the gifts (as if I needed any after that) were 3 beaded ornaments each wrapped in a vintage hanky, a handmade pot holder (which I can use as I am short of them right now) some chocolate candies and something new to me - Chocolate covered sunflower seeds . I just opened the container and they are delicious.
also included was a home made bag containing 3 balls of yarn co-ordinating in shades of gold yellow and blues. I will make use of these one day.
I should say that this all came from a nice lady named Ellen who I believe lives in
The Carolinas. I did not keep the envelope it all came in and I went back through her blog and she mentioned driving to Greensboro to catch plane so hence my guess.
She also included a Haiko for me:
Across the country
Ho Ho Ho, Secret Santa
Merry Christmas Pal
I love her blog name: www.babeswithballsofyarn.blogspot.com Go visit her and see what a nice group of friends she has with the same interests as her. I miss that as mine are spread all over the country. Nothing like old friends.