Thursday, November 27, 2008


Welcome to my blog. A little bit of my sewing, crafting world.

It is Thanksgiving night and the turkey bird remains are in the fridge and we have just finished our pumpkin pie. #1 son is helping me to set this blog up. He and his wife leave in the morning for Minneapolis after a few days in the Florida sun. Heaven help me when he leaves. Hope I can continue with this. I should add that he was here since Sunday and I had the idea to set up a blog around 9pm on thanksgiving night and he was leaving Fri. am early. I am surprised he helped me this much. Why didn't I start last Mon.? Didn't think of it until thurs pm.
Here is a picture of a purse I just made and it was auctioned off for my Questers group in Chicago. It sold for $55.00. I was pleased with that.

Will sign off for now and hope to start showing you some more of my work as I proceed with projects and keep you posted with what is going on in our lives.

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