I have not done any more on the purse. With all the different color beads I am using I have to sit at the kitchen table to bead. I have the beads laid out on velvet on a large piece of foam board and all the bottled and packaged beads in a large tray. Yesterday I was out with Sue looking for fabric for a shower curtain and valance for her boys bathroom. They are growing up and she found pics with chess pieces, painted her own frames black and sanded them for a used look and has 3 nice ones for the outer bathroom. She found a great black, cream striped fabric that goes with the pics and she is using it with a 12" black border on the bottom. We found the perfect color cording in cream to put between the 2 fabrics and along the bottom of the valance. She has good color sense and it should look great when finished. Needless to say I went along just to help her and ended up buying a bunch of dupioni remnants, pillow forms for 2 pillows and trimming for around the flag Great Britain needlepoint pillow I did years ago and never finished. Now I will.
Sat. on the way home from my water aerobics I stopped to drop and pickup books at the library and it turned out the book sale was on. I don't know where I have been that I didn't know that. Just went up to look and came home with a shopping bag full. 2 Watercolor books for Harv. and a bunch of pocketbooks for 15 year old Kyle. He enters high school this year and is a voracious reader far ahead of his age. He has read almost all of Tom Clancy's books and I picked up a bunch of John Grishams legal thrillers. He was happy when I dropped them off yesterday. I did pick up a couple of things for me. One was a book of iron on transfers for embroidery. Flowers, butterflies, etc.25 cents. the next was a book "World of Costumes in Cutout" 50 cents.. They are vintage couples and dresses back centuries. They give you the picture, then the full instructions and the dresses to cutout and put together. They are heavy stock so you use glue. This would be fun to play with someday when I want something different then stitching. What made me laugh was the first one in the book the lady was definitely pregnant and the costume accommodated her condition. I took a couple of pics. The costumes are all lace and pretty colors and there are also pages that could be used in scrapbooking or journaling.
Well it looks like blogger did it again. The first 4 pics are sideways - Sorry. All taken at the same time the same way and 4 go sideways. Go figure.