Saturday at 12.30 we had the pleasure of watching our daughter's 14 year old son win his first black belt in Koryo Gundo which is the Korean Marshall Art of The Samurai Sword. They use wooden rods in place of real swords. He has been doing this for 4 years and really enjoys it. There were 3 trying out for their first black belt. Two Kyle's age and one older student who was there with his about 5 year old son who was taking pictures of his Dad. The master of the class had his movie camera on a tripod taking pictures so they will receive a CD of the performance. We went next door to celebrate at Baskin Robbins then on to the younger 7 year old Luke's baseball game. Our other young grandson who turned 7 on Fri. is on the same team. Both boys live in the same town and have been in the same room for both kindergarden and 1st. grade. They go on to 2nd. next year and may be together or may not. They eat lunch together each day and say they are each other's best friend. Happy little cousins. They both did well at the baseball game and each got a few hits. The coach pitches to them and I was amazed at how well these 7 year olds could all hit. They only take 1 base at a time and they do not keep score so there really isn't a winner or loser. It was a hot day but we were sitting under the shade of a big old tree so were pretty comfortable. I am showing you a pic of Kyle standing outside of the studio holding his certificate. Apparently there are levels within the black belt so he will have a time to go to get the final certification. He never really liked organized sports but likes this.
I had found a sword in a case with a carrying strap at the flea market in florida. I checked with my daughter as to whether she wanted him to have this or not. She said okay as he is very responsible. He has a very nice one his other grandpa made a wall plaque case for it and he has it hanging in his room so now he will have two. Grandpa will probably make another hanging one for this new one.
Kyle enters Fremd High School this year and has been a straight A student this past year.
We are very proud of him.
You have every reason to be proud. It is good to see young people committing themselves to something. Your African violets in the previous post are so lovely. I have never been able to keep them alive.
Your grandson sounds like a really decent kid. It's good to know there are some good kids around; you hear such dreadful things these days, with shootings and stabbings in schools and on the streets...
Hi, Freda! You won a prize in my name the puppy contest. Can you please send me your address?
Grandkids - can't wait! It's great to see them involved in something. So many kids are so wrapped up in video games and tv and aren't doing the physical things. Good for your guys that they have a balance!
How wonderful Kyle!!!!Hope your having a great spring Freda! I happen to LOVE the african violets!
Mine never last but every year I buy a new one and give it a shot!Thaks so much for the encouraging words about my dog Jake ;)
Hi Freda ~ About your Foxglove ~ try keeping them in the ground and letting them go to seed. They are biannual so they take 2 years to flower. When they go to seed ~ sprinkle the seed all over your garden ~ hope this helps!
Oh my - what a fine looking boy Kyle is - and how wonderful that he has achieved such sucess with his karate - congrats to him on his black belt!
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