I said I was packing away my butterfly quilt but it hasn't happened yet. I had done nothing on the four triangles that border the centre piece. I thought it would be different to do the 4 triangles in beads only. I sat last night and this afternoon and worked on what I will call triangle #1. Have no idea which corner it will go in but for now it is #1. I did put a piece of black fabric in the centre of each piece and now I am glad I did. I had a pretty pink stone dragonfly and it went perfectly on there. I have 2 more pretty ones I have picked up at the flea markets so will be on the prowl for one more so each triangle will have one in the same place. I have an idea for the middle piece if I can find the right print. I would like to put a lady on there with wings that I would make. A very precious lady like a fairy or angel type. I am on the lookout for one. If anyone sees one that they think I might like please let me know where you see it and I will check it out. It will be the last thing made so I have plenty of time
I thought it was about time to show some stitching on here as I am supposed to be a crazy quilter. Lately it looks like I have just been a shopper for books and a flea market junkie. Of course the junkie will not stop and I am good until the next good book appears.
I have also copied the pattern on fabric for the punchneedle pillow that I am going to make. Something easy to work on while I am watching the Olympics. This is the pillow where I had the book, ordered the special threads and the complete pattern from somewhere and she sent me all the threads and said the pattern wasn't available. I was mad at first - thought it was bad business to do something like that - then cooled down and decided to just copy it myself from the book which I did yesterday afternoon. Copied it in 2 pages then put it together to make the complete pattern. I put a lamp under our glass kitchen table and had a light box of sorts. It took awhile but now I can do it and use the threads. Will post pics tomorrow of this.
I don't see how you can put that butterfly quilt away--it is so pretty!
beautiful Stitching Freda!
I love your little pink dragon fly! I've picked up some lovely brooches and ear-rings at opshops, which I intend to use for embellishing CQ blocks, whenever I get back to making them. Not this year though - this year is the Year Of The UFO finishes!
Beautiful block, Freda. The spider web is so creative.
Wonderful beading, Freda!!!!
Beautiful girl... You inspire me to work on mine which so far I have just collected for and not started. Will your center have the red or pink?
I just love the stitching on these.
Love the colors and you do fab work!
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