We have had quite a stormy day here in central Florida. Tornado warnings all around us but none have touched down thank goodness. This is when I miss the good old basement at home. If the sirens go it means one has been seen in our area and we head downstairs with our flashlights and radio in case. Here if it ever came to that we would head into our walk-in closet because it has no windows and cover our heads with pillows, etc.
I have finished the 4 triangles of the new wallhanging and was going to photograph them today in good light but that will have to wait for another day. When my daughter was down in Dec. visiting we had seen a bottle on a blog where she took a bottle and filled it with grape leaves and put a string of lights in there and then decorated the ouside. It was very nice so we got the bottle bug. We both found a nice one at one of the thrift shops but neither one got their bottle made. Hopefully next year. This started me looking at bottles with a new eye. I found a few very nice ones and put them out on display on my bakers rack in the sunroom. Two of them are particularly nice. One is with a bird and makers design on the front and was from Holland. Probably had a liqeur in it. The other was from Spain and has a women picking fruit from a loaded tree and dropping it in a basket. I thought I had an individual pic of it but apparently not. You may be able to see it well enough from the main pic. Since them I have found some smaller ones and last week at the flea market I found one in the shape of a maple leaf. I assume this was full of maple syrup at one time. It was a $1.00 at the flea market. I washed it and threw away the lid. I have to buy a assorted bag of corks and find one that fits it before I put it out. It is very pretty.
I will post the quilt pieces as soon as I can.
Oooh Freda, that is such a pretty display! I have some vintage and antique blue glass bottles. I may put them in my garden window after Easter. So pretty!
Stay safe Freda! Hopefully those threatened tornadoes are just that. Your bottles look lovely.
Do stay safe. I grew up with them in MN. They still scare me.
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