Yesterday was my final visit to the eye doctor who did my cataract surgery. He examined my eyes again as I still have a fuzzy feeling in my left eye. He said it looked clear and there was nothing there that should be causing me problems. Time will probably help as it is hard getting used to this mono vision - right eye for distance and left eye for up close. I did this so I wouldn't have to wear glasses and now would be a joke if I felt better with glasses on for closeup. He did give me a prescrip. and I will have them made once we are in Florida and see what time brings. As long as it doesn't stop me from my embroidering, etc. The funny part is I mentioned the bad headache and the nausea and he said it could have been from the mono vision cataracts. It has stopped this week so hopefully I am getting used to them.
I did sew the center to the tree skirt today and now have the hardest part to do. I have to line it by sewing all the way around, up the slit, around the centre and so far in the other slit but have to leave a space large enough to pull it inside out when finished. First it would have to be trimmed, clipped and pressed then turned.
On Dave & Kims that I made 2 years ago I put a black tassel on each point but Jeana has cats so no tassels. I will have to be extra careful on the points. If I have a pic of Dave & Kims on here I will post it today. I just found a pic of D & K skirt and it looks so nice with the tassels. If it looks like the newest one is larger it is. Jeana asked me to make it larger and I just enlarged each section. I also found a pic of my original family one that is going to my daughter Sue when I no longer use it. Christmas a little early this year - maybe get you started on the Christmas gifts, ornies, etc.
Lovely work on all of them! That clipping and turning is always the 'hard' work.
Glad you got a good report from the dr. and that the headache is going away. I didn't know that you could get cataract lenses for near and far sight - no wonder you're having headaches!
The tree skirts are lovely and what a heirloom to give your kids. My boys wouldn't thank you for such things, unfortunately (neither of them 'does' Christmas). HOpefully their new girlfriends will change their minds!!
I've had my eyes corrected to mono vision for more years than I can remember. I had it done in high school with contact lenses and then later with lasik surgery. Your brain does the actual work of coordinating your eyes. You shouldn't be able to actually see any difference unless you cover one eye to see which is corrected for near sight and which is corrected for far sight. I've never had any complaints.
Absolutely beautiful tree skirts! Too pretty to cover with presents!
Hi Freda, so glad you came by my blog. I love your needlework! It's absolutely gorgeous! and I enjoyed reading about the letter to your Father...what a treasured keepsake! Glad to hear you're feeling better. I wear contact lenses near and far, and it does take a while to adjust. Sometimes I feel like I need to be sideways to read. so strange! Have a good week.
I'm glad to hear those headaches are leaving you, Freda. I am amazed you could still concentrate on your stitching - all that crazy patch and embellishing can be very hard on the eyes!
Golly...I see you'll be on your way back here tomorrow! Wear your's still cooking here! Your tree skirts will be tomorrows heirlooms...beautiful work.
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