I see my friend Carol in Claremont, FL is back from her month long European junket and cruise. Haven't talked yet but did see her comment a few days ago wherein she asked how my eyes are doing. Fine thank you for asking and will be even better when he hits the left eye with a laser sched. for the 24th. Left eye a little fuzzy and he says that is not uncommon. Well the comment on Harv's eyes threw me for a moment then it hit me what she was referring to. Back on June 25th. Sue & I went to the book signing by Lisa See and stopped in Barrington at some antique & boutique stores. Well this is where Sue found the dress she wore for our anniversery and I bought the large black and copper/brass birdcage that I sat on my fireplace step. I joked that I would see how long it would take for Harv to notice it. Well this is Sept. 8th and that was June 25th. and nary a mention yet. I thought on the Sun. after our party when a bunch of relatives were over someone commented on it and I thought he might notice it but nope. He probably thinks it has been there forever. Well now at least I can say oh that old thing has been there for ages.
Have a few more pics of things I also bought at the flea market Sun.
I bought a beatiful lace piece that someone lovingly put together in heirloom sewing style. Don't need it but couldn't resist it for $3.00. The next was the crocheted trim in the pillowcase and the hanky with pink and white tatting. $1.00 for both. Bag of silk flowers (9 complete ones and I thought it was all petals) $1.00. 5 yards of black taffeta ribbon with a white picot edging $1.,00. Last was a plastic zip bag full of crochet and lace pieces for $3.00.There was certainly enough pieces I could use or give away for that price. This will probably be my last visit out there unless the Oct, 4 weekend is a nice day then my daughter and I will try and go.
Glad to hear that your eyes are good. I wouldn't have been able to resist those treasures either!
Freda...Hurry back to FL. I want to go flea marketing with you!!! Such finds! I'll be looking for a bird! Hugs, Carol
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