Three years ago I saw that Judith Baker Montano was teaching a class at the Minnesota Quilters Guild in June . I have been a fan of hers for years and have all her books. Our oldest son lives in Minneapolis so thought I could kill 2 birds with one stone as the saying goes. I signed up for her class which was a 1 day class held in St. Cloud about an hours drive from David. Her class was excellent and I also had a chance to talk to her later and she encouraged me to come to her studio in LaVeta, CO. for her very first retreat that July. I said I probably wouldn't be able to but with encouragement from my hubby plus the kids I did sign up for it and flew off to CO. Well unfortunately I flew off but my bags did not arrive. That was a Thurs. and I was told they would be sent to LaVeta by Fri. am. Well all day Fri. no bags. Whenever we would call we would get told they were on there way or something. Well finally Sat. around noon we were told they would not be there until Mon. because the airport wouldn't deliver that far and they had been turned over to Fed. Ex. Well I called them and they said the airline had put the wrong zip on the tags for Fed Ex. and they were sitting in Pueblo, CO. and they closed at one pm. Well all my stash and clothes were in those bags. Then finally after Judith getting on the phone with them said they would leave them next door at a Kinko's and Judith very kind husband Ernest drove all that way and picked up my bags.
50 miles each way. What a start to a class. Well what I am going to show you is the square I made using Judith's fabrics on that first day of class. I finished it at home and decided to frame it as my colors for what I had planned were all turquoise, pale rose, pale gold and cream colorations. On top of it all when they inspected my bag they lost the bag of rose fabrics.
By this time I was so nervous about the whole mess I had an upset system and lived on tea and toast plus immodium tablets. Well I survived and enjoyed the retreat.
For Christmas this year I put JBM's new DVD on my list and I am here to tell you that her DVD is wonderful. She covers so much in it it is like being back at her retreat .She covers color, fabrics, how she puts together a square, embellishing, the whole nine yards. If you can't get to her retreat after you have seen this DVD you will have the next best thing.
I should also add that Judith kindly lent me a nightie plus a couple of t-shirts so I at least could change my clothes.
What a great story (at least it's great looking back on it...not so much fun having to live through it). Something you'll always remember!
Freda, so glad you stopped by my blog today and signed up for my Blogaversary Give-away! I just read your story about going to JBM's retreat and oh my! What an experience! Flying today is not the most pleasant experience anymore.
I've always been a fan of Judith's also, a crazy quilter myself so I know what went into your creation. It's beautiful!
Stop by again!
While the experience at the time was not very fun, the block has so much more meaning to you now because of it! Very pretty!
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