Last Sat. was the annual flower and craft sale in Apopka, FL. Apopka is about 20 miles west of us and is the home of the largest fern growers in the country. Apopka and surrounding areas are just full of greenhouses. The orchid and bromeliad one that I frequently go to to buy orchids is located there also. This was the 50th. anniversery of this fair. It is hosted every year by the Apopka Women's Club. They should be very proud. Growers are there selling their plants and they are so inexpensive compared to what we would pay for the same thing up north. They had huge tables with every type of fern you could think of for $1.00 a small pot. I always say I need a trailer to haul everything back and forth and good job I don't have one or you know what it would be loaded with. Half flowers and half CQ supplies. I did go with one thing in mind and that was the miniature violets. They had them last year and I bought a few and I was hoping they would be there and they were. A young man was selling just African violets - both the miniatures and the regular violets. Every color and flower shape imaginable. The miniatures are never seen for sale anywhere since I bought my first few from a women who sold them at the flea market years ago but hasn't been back there in years. I picked up 3 to take home. They are only about an inch and a half pots and he said to just keep them in that size and if they do grow too crowded then just into about a 2" pot (if you could find that size).
After getting the violets I strolled around the craft fair and almost got away without buying anything until I came to the booth of the lady from Tampa who does crazy quilting in purses, cuffs, etc. She just started making large bags or satchells as you calls them. I spyed the orange/brown one and it just grabbed me.
I had talked to her last year and probably before that as she does this show every year. We always talk about CQ. She doesn't know anyone who does it except me - does not own a computer and knows nothing about buying on the internet. Strictly self taught and all her own ideas. She picks up gorgeous fabrics everywhere she goes and does more with the fabrics, flowers, etc and not as much embellishing as we normally do now. She does beautiful work. Well Harv came along while we were talking and saw me holding the bag and said are you going to buy it and I said well I like it and he said go ahead Mothers Day is Sunday and that will be your present. The man loves getting out of buying presents. Of course I was happy to get it also and we will be spending Mothers Day in the car as we are leaving On Sat. morning early and hope to be in Chicago Sun. night if all goes well. If traffic is bad or construction we will stay an extra night and arrive early Mon.
Well I shot some pics of the purse. It is loaded with my stuff already and will be my summer hang around bag. Should take lots of wear. I should have told you that she also recycles everything she can and included a piece of a leather belt sewed to a Mexican serafe belt and a piece of leather on the front of the purse. She also used the front decoration piece that would have been worn as a front scarf and she added beads to it and attached to the purse. I have to start looking at belts in a new way. If you have seen Kathy Kizerian's purse with the beautiful pink strap and rhinestone buckle it was made from a re-cycled belt. We have to keep our eyes open ladies. I did question sewing on the leather but turns out she has a commercial machine she has had for years that sews thru everything. Sometimes I wish I had bought one years ago. So many things you can do with one. Too late now.
Great satchel - perfect gift for Mothers Day I would say! I think Harv knows what you'd like. I can grow regular violets but can't seem to keep the minis alive. Of course I do everything 'wrong' with my violets (at least according to the so-called experts).
Hi Freda
ahh, your thirst for thrift stores and flea market finds still abounds! Wishing you a great trip back home and hope it doesn't take too long to 'unload'. Great spending time with you and Harv. Your work continues to inspire me. Keep in touch.
WOW - if I'd been there too, we may have had a battle you and I to buy the satchel!!!!
I love the vibrant colours for me it's the perfect Winter bag I'm looking for just now.
We still seem to be wearing a lot of black down under so I always like to jazz it up with bright scarves, bags etc!
Love those wee violets but I've never been any good with indoor plants - over water and over feed probably!
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