Thursday, July 18, 2013


I spent part of last week baby sitting for my daughter so she could accompany her husband to Hawaii.
He had to go for a dinner meeting for one night so I suggested she go with him and spend a week or so.  She did and they were gone last week. I was over with the 3 boys or should I say 4 including the dog.  They are 10, 15 and 18 so were very easy.  The hardest part was the chauffering.  One going to an afternoon camp for a couple of hours (the younest) and the oldest going to a college class at Harper college as he will be a senior next year.  He is taking a 6 week class in information systems to see if that is what he would like to study.  He is a great reader and loves books so there is that avenue also.  I was just worried that I would forget one or not make it in time.  They had different starting and stopping times but I made it fine.  The middle boy was at a soccer camp at Notre Dame in Inidana until Mon. then he was finished for the week.  Their other Grandma came over and did the balance of the week so it was easy for both of us.

My daughter dropped the youngest at camp today then came over to lunch.  She bought me this humongous bouquet of flowers from her garden.  Her hydranges are just gorgeous plus the various lilies and other flowers. She also bought us a box of chocolate covered macadamian nuts from Hawaii.  They will go down good.  She also bought Axel her dog a kiddie pool because he loves to be outside and will stay for hours.  The trouble is she says he goes in the pool then rolls in the dirt and back in the pool to make muddy water.  They empty it and start over.

Here are a couple of pics.
Well Blogger is not co-operating.  It let me pick out the pics but will not download.  I will try again later.

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